Having a Hospital Birth?

We’re here to help!

Online and In Person Childbirth Education Prenatal Classes to prepare for a Hospital Birth

Topics our classes cover:

  • Physiology of birth, stages of labour and birth (birth of baby and placenta) and the golden hour(s) after birth

  • Medical support options including epidural, nitrous oxide, and more (where and when they’re helpful and benefits vs risks and alternatives)

  • Understanding Cesarean Birth and birth options including newborn interventions

  • Mindfulness meditation, breathing and visualization techniques for hospital labour & delivery

  • Movement and yoga for labour & birth in hospital

  • Comfort measures including massage, acupressure, hot & cold therapies, aroma, music and more

  • Assisting labour and birth with a squat bar, a peanut ball, birthing ball, and more

  • Water assisted labour or waterbirth in hospital

  • Informed decision making in birth and its role in trauma reduction

  • Undisturbed, free birth, and orgasmic birth perspectives

  • VBAC with or without epidural in hospital

  • Twin/multiples births in L&D or the OR

  • Partner’s role and hands-on support options - empower the partner to parent!

  • Basic newborn physiology including fetal-newborn breathing transition

  • Breastfeeding, chest-feeding, breast-pumping and bottle feeding

  • Newborn care, newborn bath, baby-wearing, skin-to-skin, and more

  • Maternal/paternal recovery and mindfulness for postpartum

All of our Private Childbirth Classes and Workshops are customized to your family. More than one class may be necessary to cover all of the topics above.

Classes have educational and physical practice components.

If your class is online, please have a yoga mat, hydrating beverage and a few pillows or yoga props (if you have them) ready. Leah provides props for in-person classes.

In Person Prenatal Childbirth Education Classes

Childbirth Education Workshop - 3-Hours in home* - $395

Want a comprehensive prenatal series to learn about giving birth in your local hospital? We can cover in further depth and more topics in two classes. Purchase 2 x 3-Hour Childbirth Education Workshop in your home for $650

*In-home class rates apply to families booking within the service area. Families who are expecting a baby in Collingwood, Thornbury & the Blue Mountains and surrounding neighbourhoods receive 10% off in-person classes. We provide childbirth classes to families in their home within two-hours radius of Collingwood, Ontario, including : Owen Sound, Muskoka, Toronto, Etobicoke, Aurora, Orangeville

HST is not included in the rates for childbirth education classes listed above.
If you require a Sliding Scale, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.

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Online Prenatal Childbirth Education Classes

Childbirth Education Zoom Workshop/Consultation - Single 1-Hour Session - $115

Childbirth Education Workshop Pack - 3-Pack of 1-Hour Sessions* - $295

HST is not included in the rates for childbirth education classes listed above.
If you require a Sliding Scale, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.

does Collingwood Marine & General Hospital labour and delivery ward have nitrous oxide? Can I have an epidural Collingwood hospital, giving birth at Sunnybrook Hospital, Mount Sinai childbirth workshops prenatal classes

Book a free consultation or go ahead and book your first prenatal class.

Classes are taught by with Leah Jackson, founder and ProDoula Certified Childbirth Educator, Birth & Postpartum Doula, Mindfulness Coach and Waterbirth Facilitator with over 10 years experience.

Prenatal classes in Collingwood, the Blue Mountains, Stayner, Meaford, Midland, Muskoka, Prenatal educators near me, prenatal education and childbirth workshops
hospital birth classes and prenatal classes in Grey County, Collingwood, Thornbury & The Blue Mountains and Online Prenatal Classes Ontario
Prenatal Classes for hospital labour in Collingwood General and Marine Hospital

Hospital Childbirth Doulas

There are many options available to families birthing in hospital. Today, Doulas are warmly welcomed at hospital. We offer doula labour & birth support in any hospital within our service areas, from Collingwood General & Marine; to Mount Sinai in downtown Toronto.

Increasing evidence shows doula support in hospital births fosters better birth experiences and reduced unnecessary and/or harmful interventions.

Doulas can facilitate water labour in hospitals, holistic Cesarean sections, and increase mindful decision making, and more!

Read more about our Birth Doula services here.

Hospital Birth FAQs

prenatal classes in Collingwood, Stayner, Midland, Owen Sound, Creemore, Childbirth workshops near Collingwood General & Marine Hospital. hospital birth classes Ontario
  • Sometimes, yes!

    Other times, epidurals can be spotty, meaning they mask pain in some parts of the belly/body but not others.

    Individuals have reported feeling wonderful relief with an epidural, only to feel labour intensifying even with the epidural.

    There are benefits and risks to using epidural medication during labour and birth. Practicing mindfulness can foster understanding of when and how to use an epidural for the greatest benefit.

    We can dive into topics like this in our childbirth education classes. Reach out if you’re interested in chatting more!

  • In most cases, at least around the Greater Toronto Area and Collingwood Hospital (my local areas of services), water birth is not permitted, however water labour may be.

    Some hospitals, such as Mount Sinai in downtown Toronto, have tubs in some rooms but not others. It is important to speak up and request a room with a tub if labouring in water is important to you!

    Labouring in water and getting out of the water for the second stage (birthing the baby) is an excellent option for some. Find out what your local hospital allows. Some hospitals protocols are more out-of-date than others. Recent research and clinical studies show labour and birth in water to have tremendous benefits and to even work like a “liquid epidural”.

    It is possible to labour in the water in hospital even if the waters are broken. Protocols vary as to whether meconium in the water supports exiting the water. Discuss these details with us in advance to understand all your options, risks, and benefits!

    Where a tub or water birth is not available or advised, using a shower can be helpful. Warm and cold water provide relief. Even the sound and sight of water can create calm and reduce pain perception.

    Where tub and shower are not available for use in a hospital birth, I invite water through rain sounds, warm, wet compresses (cool on the forehead, warm on the back, belly, or perineum). Water can certainly be used in a variety of therapeutic ways as long as clean water is available.

  • Yes. Usually. This depends on healthcare provider preference, self-advocacy to have your doula present, and hospital protocols. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, doulas were not allowed in many cases.

    In regular circumstances, doula support benefits are recognized by hospital and healthcare staff and so the doula is permitted even in the OR for a surgical birth (planned or emergency c-section).

    Often, the doula is even applauded by the staff in hospital — they are overstretched and also appreciate the support. Where nursing staff is limited, doulas become even more integral in guiding the labour and facilitating a safe birthing space.

  • Yes, absolutely. Our kaya birth stool can be used in hospital birth settings and can be supportive of unmedicated and medication (including epidural) deliveries. Ask us about different positions and ways the birth stool can be used in hospital births!